We have awesome customers that have enjoyed our level of service for many years. Here are some of our happy customers.

Near real time backups really saved us...
Hayashi & Wayland

For the first time I can say I have flawless backups of my data...
Hood & Strong, LLP.

Super support, super fast...
Porte Brown
It's just on all the time, always protecting...
BKV Group

Your engineers catch things in a timely manner that many have promised but few have delivered...
Miller Dunwiddie Architecture


Everything is working awesome, very impressed with the service and the technology...
Avtex Solutions

I never have to wait for technical support...
Digi International

Metiix makes our backups so much easier...
Zayo Group
We regularly recover files for our users and ease of use was a primary consideration in our selection...
St. Mary's University

I sleep much better with my data in multiple places...
Shattuck - St. Mary's


No complaints with anything at this point, keep it up...
Fagen Engineering

You did everything promised; cut current costs in half and made the backup issues disappear...
Remmele Engineering
I can't get over the fact that I can do a restore while a backup job is running and that data is always 100% available all over campus...
Carolina Postal Credit Union

Sick of buying somebody's appliance, that's what initially hooked me...
Corner Bank


This thing is a tank, it just keeps movin'...
Kanabec County

This is the way I always thought it should be...
Alaska Clean Seas

Awesome job, setup was a breeze...
Pikes Peak Regional Building Department
We always wanted to leverage our remote locations for seamless offsite data storage...
Mayo Health System

Yeah, I hate tape, what you have is much different...


94% de-duplication, don't know how you did it, but it's all there...
Carlsmith Ball
The Metiix setup was easy and the Metiix engineers assisted with every step...
Alps Automotive

Professional Services

I only wish that all of our vendors could use your example of customer service...
Cooke Group